SIMI offers a wide range of courses and training programs for students, graduates, researchers, pastoral agents and professionals aimed at promoting the understanding of the complex phenomenon of human motility from both the pastoral-theological and the scientific approach. Our courses ensure participants the ability to develop action plans in order to create a community able to welcome, protect, promote and integrate people. This mission is part of a global educational program for the promotion of a Christian integral vision of human mobility.
New Specialized Section in Pastoral Theology and Human Mobility have been established within the Faculty of Theology at Pontifical Urbaniana University.
The online Diploma in the Pastoral Care of Human mobility is offered to pastoral agents whom are operating in the field of migrant ministry. The course is taught in five languages (Italian, English, Spanish, Portuguese and German).
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Emigrano i semi sulle ali dei venti, emigrano le piante da continente a continente portate dalle correnti delle acque, emigrano gli uccelli e gli animali, e, più di tutti emigra l’uomo, ora in forma collettiva, ora in forma isolata, ma sempre strumento di quella Provvidenza che presiede agli umani destini e li guida.
Giovanni Battista Scalabrini, L’Italia all’estero, Conferenza a Torino (1898).