The Role of Religion in Eradicating Modern Slavery
13 December 2022 - 4:00 AM - 16 December 2022 - 6:30 AM
On Friday, February 25 and Saturday, February 26, 2022, the international conference organized by the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Pontifical Gregorian University, in collaboration with SIMI, will be held on the theme: Eradicating Modern Slavery. What role for religions? International and local perspectives and practices.
Leading academics, faith leaders, and practitioners will discuss modern slavery, human trafficking and forced labour, and reflect on how faith-based and lay institutions can collaborate to accompany and empower the most vulnerable and effectively tackle this daunting problem.
Speakers include:
– Cardinal Francesco Montenegro, Former archbishop of Agrigento
– Tomoya Obokata, UN Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Slavery
– David Hollenbach SJ, Pedro Arrupe Distinguished Research Professor of the Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University
– Eugenia Bonetti MC, Founder and president of NGO “Slaves no more”
– Marco Omizzolo, Sociologist at EURISPES and lecturer at Sapienza University of Rome – Sheikh Armiyawo Shaibu, Ghana’s National Chief Imam’s spokesperson
– Cristina Molfetta, Researcher at Migrantes Foundation (Italian Bishops’ Conference)
– Jean-René Bilongo, FLAI- CGIL Trade Union representative
– Gianfranco Della Valle, Italian National Anti-Trafficking Hotline
Participation is free, in person is highly recommended, given the interactive design and dynamics of the event and workshops.All participants must register in advance for the event by the 24th February 2022 on www.unigre.it/eventi/ModernSlavery2022 Covid vaccination/recovery certificates (EU or approved equivalents) are required to enter the premises.
Simultaneous translation (EN-IT) for online participation will be provided.
For more information, contact:
Faculty of Social Sciences
Pontifical Gregorian University, Piazza della Pilotta, 4 – 00187 Rome +39 06 6701 5186 – segrscienzesociali@unigre.it