vănThanh Nguyễn, SVD, es profesor de Estudios del Nuevo Testamento y titular de la Cátedra Francis X. Ford, M.M., de Misionología Católica en la Unión Teológica Católica de Chicago, EE.UU. Es misionero de la Sociedad del Verbo Divino (S.V.D.) y se doctoró en Sagrada Escritura en la Pontificia Universidad Gregoriana de Roma. Es autor de varios libros y numerosos artículos, entre ellos «Acts» en The Jerome Biblical Commentary for the 21st Century y What Does the Bible Say About Strangers, Migrants, and Refugees? [¿Qué dice la Biblia sobre los extranjeros, los emigrantes y los refugiados?]



Lista de publicaciones más relevantes:



What Does the Bible Say about Strangers, Migrants, and Refugees? New York: New City Press, 2021.

“Acts”. In The Jerome Biblical Commentary for the Twenty-First Century. Ed. by Donald Senior, John J. Collins, Barbara Reid and Gina Hens-Piazza. London: T&T Clark, online version in 2021; print version in 2022.

Stories of Early Christianity: Creative Retellings of Faith and History. Liguori, MO: Liguori Publications, 2013.

Peter and Cornelius: A Story of Conversion and Mission. American Society of Missiology Scholarly Monograph Series 15. Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, 2012.


Libros editados:

[con Lazar Stanislaus] Missionary Discipleship in Glocal Context. Germany: Styler Missionswissenschafliches Institute, 2018.

[con John Prior] God’s People on the Move: Biblical and Global Perspectives of Migration and Mission. Pickwick Publications, 2014.


Capítulos en libros y artículos revisados por pares:

“Migration in the New Testament: The Quest for Home.” Christian Theology in the Age of Migration: Implications for World Christianity. Ed. Peter C. Phan. 69-84. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2020.

“Revelation from the Margins: A Vietnamese American Perspective.” T&T Clark Handbook of Asian American Biblical Hermeneutics. Eds. Uriah Y. Kim and Seung Ai Yang. 439-448. London: T&T Clark, 2019.

“The Final Testimony of Missio Dei: A Missiological Reading of Revelation.” Christian Mission, Contextual Theology, Prophetic Dialogue. Essays in Honor of Stephen B. Bevans.  Eds. Dale T. Irvin and Peter C. Phan. 3-16. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 2018.

“Missionary Churches in Acts: A Model of Intercultural Engagement with the Nations.” Contemporary Mission Theology: Engaging the Nations. Eds. Robert L. Gallagher and Paul Hertig. 135-145. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2017.

“Reading the Bible in the New Christianity.” World Christianity and Global Theologizing: Perspectives and Insights. Eds. Jonathan Tan and Anh Tran. 109-126. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Press, 2016.

“Prophetic Christology in the New Testament.” Mission on the Road to Emmaus: Constants, Context and Prophetic Dialogue. Eds. Steve Bevans and Cathy Ross. 3-18. SCM Press: 2015.

“Current Trends of Migration in Asia: Prospects and Challenges.” God’s People on the Move: Biblical and Global Perspectives of Migration and Mission. Eds. vanThanh Nguyen and John Prior. 159-172. Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, 2014.

“Biblical Foundations for Interculturality.” Interculturality. Ed. Martin Ueffing. 37-48. Roscommon 25; Sankt Augustin: Steyler Missionswiissenschaftliches Institut, 2013.

“Migrants as Missionaries: The Case of Priscilla and Aquila,” Mission Studies 30 (2013): 192-205.

“Dismantling Cultural Boundaries: Missiological Implications of Acts 10:1—11:18.” Missiology: An International Review 40.4 (October 2012): 455-66.

“Asia in Motion: A Biblical Reflection on Migration.” Asian Christian Review 4.2 (Winter 2010): 18-31.

“An Asian View of Biblical Hospitality (Luke 10:5-8).” Biblical Research 53 (2008): 25-39.