The Scalabrini International Migration Institute (SIMI), the International Union of Superiors General (UISG), and the Union of Superiors General (USG) organized and held an online international conference on the Theology of Human Mobility in the 21st Century on 20-22 September 2021. This book presents the proceedings of the conference, aiming at providing valuable information and insights for both biblical and theological research, as well as for the pastoral planning and the formation and training of pastoral workers.
Human mobility is an enduring and growing phenomenon in Africa’s history. Today it remains an important component of all aspects of the region’s affairs. In recent years, the number of labour migrants, asylum seekers, refugees, victims of human trafficking and internally displaced persons (IDPs) has notably increased in many African countries due to persisting ethnic, religious and political conflicts, activities of terrorist groups, land degradation and harsh climatic conditions, and worsening socio-economic conditions in origin countries. However, due to lack of resources and the appropriate political will, most receiving countries are unable to offer an adequate response to the challenges posed by all these different forms of human mobility in order to provide a welcoming and secure environment and protection to the hundreds of thousands of people fleeing their tormented homes. Today human mobility in Africa poses serious challenges to the Catholic Church, whose doors are often those knocked daily by migrants and refugees, seeking material and spiritual answers to their plight.

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Bonomelli e Scalabrini. Due vescovi

This book collects the contributions presented on 15 May 2015 at the seminar “Bonomelli and Scalabrini: two bishops for whom one diocese was not enough”. The event was organised by the Fondazione Migrantes (CEI), the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan, the Scalabrini International Migration Institute (SIMI) of Rome and the Fondazione Iniziative e Studi sulla Multietnicità (ISMU) of Milan.

Date of publication: November 2015

Pages: 90

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Guide to the Pastoral Care of Migration

Bruno Mioli’s Guide to the Pastoral Care of Migration traces the stages in which the Church’s intuitions and pastoral experience in this field have been consolidated. The comprehensive, clear and competent consideration of all facets of doctrinal and practical development makes the Guide a necessary tool for pastoral agents among migrants and for those who want to know the crucial contribution of Christianity to the understanding and governance of migration as a factor of development in modern societies.

Publication date: May 2014

Pages: 360

To order, please contact the SIMI secretariat:

Migration. Socio-pastoral dictionary

Edited by Fr. Graziano Battistella, Scalabrinian, former dean of SIMI and current director of the Scalabrini Migration Centre in Quezon City, Philippines.

Quezon City, Philippines. A collaboration between Edizioni San Paolo and SIMI. A completely new work, 156 entries, 123 authors, for an interdisciplinary analysis of a highly topical subject, both for civil society and for the ecclesial community.

Publication date: 1 October 2010

Pages: 1,152

To order, please contact the SIMI secretariat: