In cooperation with other international academic institutions SIMI offers a wide range of courses for students, graduates, pastoral and social workers, and professionals. These programs are addressed to whom, at different levels, intends to know and deepen the understanding of issues related to the phenomenon of human mobility.


Summer School (Italy)

Every July, in partnership with the Department of Sociology of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan, Fondazione Migrantes, and the Scalabrinian Agency for Cooperation and Development, SIMI organizes the Summer School “Migration and Global Justice”.

L’emigrazione è buona, se spontanea, essendo essa una delle grandi leggi provvidenziali che presiedono ai destini de’ popoli  ed al loro progresso economico e morale.

Giovanni Battista Scalabrini, L’Italia all’estero, Conferenza a Torino (1898).